Webcam software not available in Australian Apple AppStore
Hi - I am trialling Repetier-Server in the hope of purchasing if I can run a webcam. The software link provided in your documentation is not available in the Australian AppStore. Is there a direct download available for the developer (don't even know who it is) or is there another way to generate an MPG stream ? Im using a Logitech 922 Pro.

Anyhow any mjpg capable webcam solution will do, it is not especially bound to that software. That was just one we found was working.
I see no reason to buy hardware, you just need a different streaming software for mac to get the mjpg stream from webcam. I'm quite sure there are alternative free versions and if someone shows me a good one I will also add it in the tutorial. I know even ffmpeg in an older version could do that. Unfortunately that function was removed with newer versions.