When loading firmware, the relay is always on

Relay problem... To turn off the relay, I need to give the command to supply voltage to D11. Connected sig wire to D11, ground to ground, + to 5V. I fill in the firmware, the relay turns on, on the sig wire and the ground-0V. To relay off need 5 volts...option LASER_ON_HIGH does not help...LASER_PIN 11, 255 M3 tap is not working and M5 Not working... To turn off the relay you need to apply 5V, but how? the config link below.  Thanks in advance!


  • #define SUPPORT_LASER 1
    #define LASER_ON_HIGH 0
    #define LASER_PIN pinnumber

    should set laser output to high when firmware starts. But it is very dangerous to have this. While uploading or with errors the laser will be enabled. That is why normally all require high signal to get enabled, so default is off.

  • Repetier said:
    #define SUPPORT_LASER 1
    #define LASER_ON_HIGH 0
    #define LASER_PIN pinnumber

    should set laser output to high when firmware starts. But it is very dangerous to have this. While uploading or with errors the laser will be enabled. That is why normally all require high signal to get enabled, so default is off.

    I want to run a plasma through the relay. Put as you wrote, too, then there is no effect. M3 S255 and M5 do not turn on or off the relay .... What should I do?
  • edited March 2019
    Laser Output is only on if Laser Mode is active AND moved by G1

    Try this :

    G1 X100
    G1 X0

    (so if laser is moving to pos x=100 its on, moving back its off)
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