Time lapse with a DSLR
I currently trying to use my canon dslr (canon 760d) to make time lapse with repetier server hosted on a raspberry pi. Does anyone have a solution for that ? I think webcam video based solution can work.
But something with raspeberry sending a trigger signal to the dslr to take a photo can be more cool i think.
If anyone ever try that dive me feedback / documentation if possible.
Thanx, Nico
So where is a way to trigger a call to a shell script when printer have moved to the time laps preset positing ? Aka subscribe to an other webcam timelapse trigger to run my script ?
@execute timelapse
is what you must call. You can do it in console for testing. See results in /var/lib/Repetier-Server/logs/server.log
Might be easier to add a script folder in /var/lib/Repetier-Server whcih is accessible for repetierserver anyway.
You need to restart the server so changes are read.