How is setting up an Always-doing an automatic-bed-leveling everytime prior the printing started?

I am imagining, everytime I power on the printer, start the host, load the STL, slice it and when I click 'start printing', it is always running the autobed leveling prior printing the object.

Is it possible? (Should I add few command gcode on the prefix?)

And what is the minimum requirement that the printer has to set before I could use this prefix gcode?

Please let me know those prefix commands to set on the slicer program. Thank you.


  • You can do it if autoleveling is fully automatic. Just write all steps you would do into the start gcode of the host and host will do it before printing. On most printers this is a unnecessary waste of time, since firmware can store results in eeprom so they are active after next start. Only if you e.g. remove bed after each print and heights change after reinserting ot after moving a printer it might be necessary. So normally I would add the program to one of the 1-5 buttons so I can run them when needed.
  • Yes, I am planning to have removable bed.

    "Just write all steps you would do into the start gcode of the host"
    Could you please help me to list all those gcode steps? I really appreciate it.
  • G28

    would be all needed on delta printers. On cartesian you might add a G1 Z8 in between.
  • as I am running Delta, please correct me if I am wrong for the prerequisite prior the start the printing with those 2 start g-codes:
    1. M321
    2. G28
    3. G131
    4. do the trick of putting all three sliders on the right height to calibrate each endstop.
    5. G132 S1
    6. G32
    7. G1 Z5
    8. do the Bed Height Map
    9. G29

    Am I correct? (I am not certain yet). Please help.

  • 3-5 is not necessary. Your endstops do not change so having them calibrated once is more then enough, beside it is not automatic.

    M321 should also not needed. G32 disables it anyway.

    G32 does a homing (at least in current 0.92), so you get 6-9 also I'm not sure what 8 is as 9 does the height map and enters correction. If you mean host side map - that is only for testing if your geometry is set correctly and has no influence on anything.
  • edited June 2015
    yes I am using 0.92 firmware.
    the step 1-9 are coming from this video so I am thinking as the moment I setup a brand new delta system,step 3-5 are necessity.
    so I guess as the prerequisite, the steps now are (which is going to be done for one time only):
    1. G28
    2. G131
    3. do the trick of putting all three sliders on the right height to calibrate each endstop (using a rod as a length guide)
    4. G132 S1
    5. G32 S2
    6. G29
    and then everytime I want to print (assume I am always taking the bed off/out of the printer), I always add 'start g-code' on the host for doing auto (re) calibrate the bed's level after putting it back right before printing a new object:
    1. G28
    2. G32 S2
    3. ...and the 3d printing gcode slicing is starting.
    ehm... are this correct steps?

  • G32 deletes corrections from G29, so if you want them you need them after G32.

    The video was meant for one time complete calibration so of course it included all steps.

  • so after I assembly the delta printer, I run:
    1. G28
    2. G131
    3. do the trick of putting all three sliders...
    4. G132 S1

    and then when start the printing, as I have below for the 'start g-code' that is going to always running auto calibration:

    1. G28
    2. G29
    3. ... and the 3d printing gcode slicing is starting

    I am thinking that G29 (could be more than 3 probing) is more superior than G32 (only 3 points probing) and if I run G29, I do not have to run G32 prior or after. Is this a correct thinking?

  • No. If G29 only after G32 S2. It is intended to remove waves of z errors that are left after G32 and G29 is completely unnecessary on a good calibrated printer with an even bed. It is a last solution for fixing z errors while G32 does the coarse rotation.
  • edited July 2015
    Ok... does it mean my 'start g-code' whould be:
    1. G28
    2. G32 S2
    3. G29

    to get the most Z error correction?

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