Cut Objects

While playing with Repetier-Host V1.0.6 I turned on Cut Objects. Now I can't find how to turn it off


  • In the right top corner the "x" closes it just like the scale and rotate modes.
  • When I am seeing the "Cut Object" parameters, clicking the X hides the parameters, but leaves the view of the object still cut.

    How do I get back to viewing the full, uncut object?
  • For me it also restores whole object. If not move position slider to the right, but should not be required.
  • Found my problem. It thought my object was too large, when I did a scale to maximum, it reduced the size and now behaves after cutting.

    Is there a way to determine the dimensions of an object?
  • The reason it was too large is because the dimensions in the file were in millimeters. I had later read a file in inches, and forgot to change back before loading this one.

    Thanks for your comments. I learned a few new things.
  • In the right tab with the stl names is a gear. Clicking it gives mor einfos about a object like size, surface, volume errors etc.
  • Thanks.  Why does a simple cube have 12 faces rather than 6?
  • Faces are triangles. Enable edge drawing and you see it.
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