RAMPS-FD + Geetech RAMPS-FD Adapter + RepRap Full Graphics Smart Controller
after fiddeling around I was able to run a RAMPS-FD + Geetech RAMPS-FD Adapter + RepRap Full Graphics Smart Controller.
Rotary, SD and Display works with RAMPS-FD and Due.

All I had to do was adding the right Pin configuration in configuration.h
after fiddeling around I was able to run a RAMPS-FD + Geetech RAMPS-FD Adapter + RepRap Full Graphics Smart Controller.
Rotary, SD and Display works with RAMPS-FD and Due.

All I had to do was adding the right Pin configuration in configuration.h
// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################
////// Settings RAMPS Display
// ramps-fd lcd adaptor
#define LCD_PINS_RS 16
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 17
#define LCD_PINS_D4 23
#define LCD_PINS_D5 25
#define LCD_PINS_D6 27
#define LCD_PINS_D7 29
#define BEEPER 37
#define BTN_EN1 33
#define BTN_EN2 31
#define BTN_ENC 35
// ende Settings RAMPS Display
// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################
AND I had to rotate the plugs in the RAMPS-FD LCD Adapter from GeeTech 180 Deg.
Very professional by putting them in with force and ignore the nose :-D
Can you please add this configuration ? I'm pretty sure I forget these in 2 months again.
AND I had to rotate the plugs in the RAMPS-FD LCD Adapter from GeeTech 180 Deg.
Very professional by putting them in with force and ignore the nose :-D
Can you please add this configuration ? I'm pretty sure I forget these in 2 months again.
#elif MOTHERBOARD = 403 || MOTHERBOARD = 404
// ramps-fd lcd adaptor needs to rotate connectors 180° to work!
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN 16
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN 23
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN 25
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN 27
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN 29
#define BEEPER_PIN 37
#define UI_ENCODER_A 33
#define UI_ENCODER_B 31
#define UI_RESET_PIN -1
#define UI_BUTTON_BACK -1
#define SDSUPPORT 1
For the RRD GLCD display. Hope it works with that.
I downloaded 1.0.3 completly new and configured only RAMPS-FD and the Full Graphics Display in the web configuration and it worked out of the box.
Nothing to change for Rotary or display. Only rotate the display cables did the trick.
Temp sensors work also directly out of the box.
Only the MOSFETs (headbed and heaters) are per default on instead off. Also the 2 additional mosfets for fans.
In the image above you can see that all LEDs for the mosfets are on.
Is there a possibility to invert the pins ?
Should be D9 till D12 and additionally D2.
and configuration.h board is set to 404.
So I assume I bought this old version that is extremly dangerous because on bootup, or crash the heaters are full fired.
Rearm looks nice but I assume it will not work with repetier ? I use repetier since a year and I love it. Especially the security features like decouple and or EEPROM and so on.
Is there a plan to support none arduino due arm boards ? Is not so easy to find atm good hardware with arduino due.
btw: I checked all ali and bay links, all of them sell the old Ramps FD v1 Rev A bricks :-(
Non arduino is currently not planned.