"Error compiling for board Sanguino"
I'm trying to flash new firmware to my Monoprice Maker select V2. When I go to compile the repetier firmware i get the error "Error compiling for board Sanguino"
I've followed the directions in the video I'm using to show me how to flash the firmware to a T but I've gotten stuck here.
Heres the video for reference:
(The link to the Repetier firmware I'm trying to flash is in the video description)

I've followed the directions in the video I'm using to show me how to flash the firmware to a T but I've gotten stuck here.
Heres the video for reference:
(The link to the Repetier firmware I'm trying to flash is in the video description)

This is the portion of the text that is error related
especially first line is what linker says is missing.Make sure to use a recent Arduino IDE.
Now when I go to upload the firmware to the melzi board i get this error: