Heated bed PWM
I'd have thought this would come up more often, but I only saw an answer from an old version of the firmware, and I never took a control systems course which would probably make this a bit more obvious!
Anyhow, got a RADDS board on a DUE. PWM Timer ISR comment says its called 3906x/sec, so I would guess the maximum PWM would be 3906 Hz, but I suspect theres another divider in there. Old post said 15 Hz with some decimal places. I bought a lovely 120VAC heater for my bed and just figured this would be common. I'd like to run it in PID since it doesn't take a control systems class to know its better, and understand it tends to have some tighter oscillations (always going to have some though). So I need an SSR. If it is a low speed PWM like it was, as the post before I read said any standard 0 crossing SSR will handle it close enough and may just require some tuning to adjust for the 0 crossing, though its not likely even that is necessary. If its well above the 60Hz mains in the US, I'd have to see about getting a proportional SSR, and those all take analog voltages so I'd need to know the PWM frequency to build a proper filter to convert to a DC Analog voltage!
Still trying to find it.figure it out, but I think I'm done for the night (2:00am). Heres hoping theres an answer in the morning