My X axis motor makes knocking noise

My X axis motor makes a rhythmic knocking noise while powered on, are some settings to high and how can I change them in the firmware?


  • Your current might be set too high if it moves otherwise. There is a poti on the stepper driver to set current, some boards can set it software side.
  • I don't believe the Mega 2650 board has poti to control voltage output, its in the software (unless I am wrong about this) So where in the Repertier firmware can I find code for changing stepper motor current?
  • The poti is on the stepper driver it it is one you can insert manually. Only RAMBO and Alligator board have on board current setting.
  • Right, found them, microscopic metal thingies with adjustment by cross point screwdriver. Only found them with aid of large magnifying light. Thanks for the help.
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