DEADTIME control
Hi. I have upgraded from 092 to altest firmware. But now my hotend temperature is not as stable as used to be. I use deadtime control, and with 0.92 I use to have a variation of 0.5 degrees in temperature or even less
Now, still useing deadtime control, useing same values, same extruder, all the same, temperatures goes around like +-2 degrees. I have oovershoots going on, and also temperature then drops at least 1 degree, at least. I have tried to recalibrate, but with no success
So, has something changed in the way of calculateing the deadtime value or anything that can help me understand what is going on?
So, has something changed in the way of calculateing the deadtime value or anything that can help me understand what is going on?
Also, I tried going back to PID, but after the autotunning, I try to introduce the values manually executeing :
M301 Px Ix Dx and I get in the console "unknown command" I havent used PID control for a Looooong time, may be repetier is not useing the standar sintax? if not please point me in the correct direction
Thanks in advance
Deadtime I was using a long time now reacts better than PID but nowhere near it was before. Variations about +-2 Degrees.
I myself ask why fix something which is not broken.
Is it possible to just change it back in source? Or there are other changes involved which makes it hard revert?
If yes for easy change, where do I change it?
Thanks for answer.
In general I don't care about PID would it help to shorten the intervall from 1s to something 0.2s? I think this could help deadtime control, isn't it? Even if we don't have 4 tempstamps control loop would be much faster.
I will let you know here if it works better for dead time control.
Thanks in advance.