Slic3r 1.3.1 SDCARD prints perfect, Repetier Extruder problem
I am using Slic3r 1.3.1-dev and if I slice and save the GCode to SDcard it prints perfectly, if I slice with the same settings via Repetier the Extruder almost stops on the first layer infill.
Even if I load the Gcode directly into Repetier the problem persists. I thought the extruder had stopped, but it is moving a minuscule amount, almost like Repetier is adjusting the steps, any Ideas where the problem could be ?
I can share the complete G-Code, stl, Slic3r settings if it would be of any use ?Host might truncate extrusion to 4 digit precision. But you need an extruder with > 10000 steps per mm to make that an error, so I doubt this is the problem.
I see you have also many small negative moves. That might be part of the problem. In 2.1.2 I just fixed some problems with graphic display of such a situation, but we always send the original values, so doubt that.
A gcode and the layer where it fails would be great so I can test what host does to the code or if there are some new kinks that makes problems. I see you seem to have at least non standard extruder handling. Wipe or something so that might cause a problem on our side.
You can get the stl and gcode from and
I mistakenly used the older version of Slic3r when I exported the profile, the only difference is that I enable adaptive slicing on 1.3.1-dev, I really hope this helps I have been using Repetier and Slic3r for over 4 years on Linux and Mac this is the first time I have a problem I am unable to solve.
M221 S100{else}95{endif}
This is flow multiplier and is a bit random what which software will interpret for this invalid gcode. Setting multiplier to 0% will be no extrusion at all. Preview looks good for me, but I already fixed a problem with local coordinates here for next release.
Do you print using repetier-server over Repetier-Host or directly connected to repetier-host? I ask because server is a getting this complete wrong distance measurement so there might also be an error source. Will no winvestigate why server does this.