timelapse video and stills file location
Was wondering if there is a way to change the file location is for the webcam capture/stills/video (Repetier server on Windows 10)
It looks like the current path is:
My server system has a small-ish SSD C: drive that has Windows and programs and a large regular hard drive with plenty of room for data files. Ideally I'd like to point Repetier to a folder on the large D drive for capturing and saving the timelapse sequences. I don't see any setting within Repetier that looks like it does that. Is there a config file in Repetier or FFMPEG to edit?
I've been moving over to Raspberry Pi for Repetier server and wanted to try and do the same thing for changing the storage directory to something other than the MicroSD card running the server. I've been able to get the Pi to mount a directory on my NAS on boot, but after editing the Repetier-Server.xml storage directory path to point to that new location the server itself won't start. If I edit it back to the default location it works fine. I can get into the directory fine from a console and move files in and out, so shouldn't be an access or directory persistence problem as far as I can tell.
Any ideas? Still getting up to speed on working with Pi/Linux, but can generally muddle my way through.
Problem is I'm not quite sure how to set it up. I have the main server running on a Pi install, with the printer plugged into it via USB. If I run an instance of the server on my Win10 PC, how does it know when the printer is printing and to start capturing frames and doing the mpeg comression, etc?
In 0.90.0 we will have a project management to handle files in a project. Here the pi would be able to copy mp4/gcodes to the project on windows directly as backup, also project are more meant to collect several stl files/images/documentation of your projects.
Definitely looking forward to future development. I can definitely see some kind of global 'configure paths' options in the set-up to essentially re-path any of the data wherever the user feels it should go, but am certainly happy with the current robustness.
I still haven't given up on getting the Repetier-Server.xml in pi to point to a NAS directory, but need to dig further into setting up users & permissions for both pi and FreeNAS. I typically can figure out just enough to break everything
Moved storage fron RPi
how ??
i cant start the server if i make changes for storage to Repetier-server-extra.xml
is the command to start/stop/restart the server.