Extruder heater turns on then quickly off when prompted from Repetier Host
After successfully running my DIY printer with RAMPS 1.4 board and Repetier firmware for 6 months, I decided to upgrade to the newest version of Repetier firmware and now am having troubles heating my extruder. I am using a Discount Smartcontroller from RepRap on my printer and when I attempt to heat the extruder using the LCD, everything works as it should. However, when I start Host and attempt to heat the extruder, I get a "debug level 6" error in the log and the heater turns on for a few seconds then off when I press the heat extruder button from Host. Does anyone have any idea why this is?
Debug level 6 is just a message from firmware that the level has changed - host does set it on connect so that might be the source.
Why not set heat manager to 1 so it uses PID controller
Doesn't explain why it works from the LCD, but is worth trying i guess.
Just to be clear - you are only setting temperature on host. You have no job running from sd card or host and no other host connectod to a second input like panel due? The few lines you showed in log only show enabling temperature so no reason to go back to 0.
Also what happens when you set temperature on lcd while host is connected. Does it still work and stay?
What is when you use the server instead of host - do you get the same problems? If not what about using server vie host server connector?
I tried in manual mode send commmand M104 S150, where 150 is temperatue and the heater is working, but icon is still "strangled". I am not able to switch temperature using bar in repetier host.
I tested HEAT_MANAGER with 1 and 3 options without any effect.
I have repetier
* host 2.0.5
* server 0.86.2
* firmware 1.0.2
Would you like to help me please.
..firmware is also in dry run s... Where is in the firmware option to disable dry run mode?
Atached image from automatic (printing) mode.
Now i am able to manual switch extruder heater and change the temperature. On tyhe same FW.
Because in repetier was unstable with the extruder heater sensor. About every one hour failed printing
RpH 2.05 is not working properly with RpFw 11.0.2
I atached my Arduino Project. Which is configured for K8200, you can check it if you wish.