Repetier 1.0.0 + Due + RADDS 1.5 + RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64

first at all sorry me to start new discussion, but I am lost in these previews discussions because they are few years old so with old firmware too and with different conclusion. After few days trying to make working I am hopeless.

Many years I run my delta on Repetier + Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 + DRV8825 + RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64 (with adapter) and now is time to upgrade the computing power. I still wanted Repetier and RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64 too, and next I choose DUE + RADDS 1.5) Generate via the Repetier firmware generator new one (with the differences - DUE + RADDS 1.5 and naturally start with the RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64) and make the connection as shown here: and here:,file=72915.Of course I read the forum and few other so I tried:

  • to swap the LCD5 with LCD7,
  • checked the RADDS 1.5 with beeper,
  • checked pin numbers in:

#else // Direct display connections
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN        63        // PINK.1, 88, D_RS
#define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN        -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN            65        // PINK.3, 86, D_E
#define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN        59        // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
#define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN        64        // PINK.2, 87, D_D5
#define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN        44        // PINL.5, 40, D_D6
#define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN        66        // PINK.4, 85, D_D7
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN        59        // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN        64        // PINK.2, 87, D_D5
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN        44        // PINL.5, 40, D_D6
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN        66        // PINK.4, 85, D_D7
#define UI_DELAYPERCHAR           50

after my edit:
#else // Direct display connections
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN        42        // PINK.1, 88, D_RS
#define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN        -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN            43        // PINK.3, 86, D_E
#define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN        -1        // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
#define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN        -1        // PINK.2, 87, D_D5
#define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN        -1        // PINL.5, 40, D_D6
#define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN        -1        // PINK.4, 85, D_D7
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN        44        // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN        45        // PINK.2, 87, D_D5
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN        46        // PINL.5, 40, D_D6
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN        47        // PINK.4, 85, D_D7
#define UI_DELAYPERCHAR           50

#undef SDSS
#define SDSS            10
#undef SPI_PIN
#define SPI_PIN         77
#undef SPI_CHAN
#define SPI_CHAN        0
#define UI_HAS_KEYS 1
#define UI_HAS_BACK_KEY 1
#define BEEPER_TYPE 1
#define UI_COLS 20
#define UI_ROWS 4
#define BEEPER_PIN             41
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN      42
#define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN      -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN      44
#define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN      45
#define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN      46
#define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN      47
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN      44
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN      45
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN      46
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN      47
#define UI_ENCODER_A           50
#define UI_ENCODER_B           52
#define UI_ENCODER_CLICK       48
#define UI_RESET_PIN           -1
#define UI_BUTTON_BACK         71
#ifdef UI_MAIN

- in futility I just can't get differences between these two numbers of pins, Repetier generated
  • Of course I read the forum and few other so I tried to swap the LCD5 with LCD7
  • tried many more RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64,
  • tried to connect the RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64 directly to DU.
I still believe I do something stupid because I do not want hope that Repetier firmware generator can't generate working firmware with these hardware configuration (Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 + the same LCD... working perfect).

After I upload the firmware, connect thermistors and the RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128x64 via the schemas above, the LCD lights homogeneous collor, so at least the power supply is right (the constrast setup checked too), and beeper makes soundless noice following the blinking RX and TX leds and the LCD little changes its brightness. If I disconnect thermistors, the beeper should peeps as I set up in generator (on MEGA works) but in this assembly nothing, no peeps after push the encoder too. If I connect DUE + RADDS 1.5 + thermistors to laptop and start Repetier-Host the connecting proces works and thermistors showing their temperature. Only one success - in generator I set up Heated bed Temperature sensor pin - Temp 1 and Extruder Temperature sensor pin - Temp 0 and via the schema above a connected the thermistors and still defect in log in Repetier-Host until I checked that the schema of thermistors pinouts numbers does not respond the numbers in generator (Temp 0 responds T0, but Temp 1 responds T4). And I have to say that I still haven't tried to plug in drivers and main power supply so I expect some other difficulties.

I will be grateful for any help that will lead to working this hardware.


  • You could forget about the sd card (not sure if it could work as it requires 5V and has level shifter while due is 3.3v).

    Use the expansion pins to the side to connect display, not the display port. The Sparkcube graphic display does exactly this with I think the same chipset. Use 5V for power and the io pins for sending being 3.3v is no problem. Will still be handled correctly.
  • Thank you for the right direction in my working.
    Im not specialist in logic electronic so please can you give me precise instructions? I have whole desoldered 12864 LCD as show as here: and generated firmware with sparkLCD but there is using some adapter which connects some pinout that I don't know with which. I need easy instructions what connect with which. By the way I controled the ui.h in new firmware with sparkLCD and the numbers of pins of LCD are still the same:
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN      42
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN      -1
    #define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN  43
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN      44
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN      45
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN      46
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN      47
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN      44
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN      45
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN      46
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN      47
    and encoder but pehaps it should not be any problem
    #define UI_ENCODER_A           50
    #define UI_ENCODER_B           52
    #define UI_ENCODER_CLICK       48

    but if I control the expansion pins with the DUE pins with beeps I found out that (and the schema confirm that ) that the pins should be: 5V, TX1, RX1, GND, 25, 27, 29, 31 and for encoder: 33, 35, 37, GND. I have two questions. What connect with? and How to configurate firmware and eventually what edit in it?

    Thank you for the answer.
  • Encoder goes right without LCD. I remember that homing is in menu like 3 times press encoder and after that stepper turns till I press endstop. In ui.h I search that encoder goes as I said:
    #define UI_ENCODER_A 35
    #define UI_ENCODER_B 33
    #define UI_ENCODER_CLICK 37

    above these lines are:
    // PINK.1, 88, D_RS
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN        25
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN        -1
    // PINK.3, 86, D_E
    #define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN            27
    // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
    // PINF.5, 92, D_D4
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN        29

    so I think this is the important but if I look at the instructions here: I see the AUX1 is full. There are twelve lines. four lines for encoder, other two are 5V and GND for LCD and other three are these above I write - RS, EN, D4. Last three are TX1, RX1, 31 that I don't know where them connect. On LCD (the attach image) I connect 5V from RADDS to VCC and BLA and GND from RADDS to BLK, PSB, GND which I think that replace the variable resistance on whole RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller to regulate brightness to a one fixed value. I really don't take where could go TX1, RX1 and 31 and slightly go annoying because I do not understand where is the error. I know that is in me but if you understand.... :-)
  • Sorry I can not say which is connected where, just don't know and no time to figure that out.
  • I proposed a pull request to add smart controller to Repetier on RADDS.

    Only D4, ENABLE & RS are required for LCD (SPI mode / U8Glib), Beeper and encoder are working, reset button can be attached to reset pin on RADDS.

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