Arduino Due / IDE / watch dog

Dear all,

I'm a bit lost at the moment - to flash the repetier firmware onto my Arduino Due, I need to add the additional files to have a custom board in the IDE (Due for repetier, because watch dog).
But the path mentioned in the readme does not exist in the Arduino installation directory.
Is there a way to publish a json URL for the custom board?



  • In recent arduino versions you can simply use the original board. It was the 1.0 branch where this was required but 1.8.x with 1.6.11 boards version does not need it.
  • Thank you for the update.
    Nevertheless, then it seems like I have a different problem:
    The firmware does compile and upload to the Due, but it does not work (blank screen, no serial communication).

    If I take example sketches for the screen or serial communication, each works fine. But even if I take old versions of my firmware wich were working, they compile and upload, but the screen stays blank and the board does not start serial communication.

    Any ideas?

  • Do you have a board mounted?
    EEPROM is often a problem if nothing works on due. We use I2C to communicate to eeprom chip and if it is not there it will hang forever trying to read eeprom. Also make sure to have the right board selected.
    You could try uploading with eeprom disabled to rule out that reason.
  • You made my day!!

    Something seems to be wrong with the EEPROM, I disabled it and it works fine. 
    I can do without, so thank you very much!

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