diamond hot end extruder

i have a little problem .. when i try to move the filament with step motor t0, t1, t2 .. so turn all 3-step motor no matter what i do..and when i put it to t1. and writing the G92 E0 G1 E100 F2000 .. the same ..


  • I've got the same problem, all in or all out despite following all the directions. Must be some way to code them so they are separate.
  • Good to hear some who have the same problem as I have
  • Open eeprom editor and see weights for virtual extruders. For a selected virtual extruder Tx all motors having a weight != 0 will move according to weights. So to have only one move select only one weight for that vrtual extruder and set all others 0.
  • does that work when you print? because there are all 3 engines also when I'm printing
  • You set weights in eeprom before printing.

    You can change weight on the fly during print
    - M163 S<extruderNum> P<weight> - Set weight for this mixing extruder drive
    - M164 S<virtNum> P<0 = dont store eeprom,1 = store to eeprom> - Store weights as virtual extruder S

  • I do not fully understand, you can not give an example
  • Exruder mixes the filaments in this set up due to weights. So having default weigts 10,10,10 means to move all motors at same priority. If you want only motor 1 move set weight 100,0,0 for example. Important is that unused are 0. Weights on remaining extruders gets normalized. SO if you have a virtual extruder active with this weights it will only move the first motor for extrusion. You have 16 virtual extruders you can set weights for and Tx selects the virtual extruder and with that your mixing ratio you have defined.
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