Links to getting started on Repetier
I'm looking for best practices to configure my Printrbot Play to work with Repetier. I installed Repetier and set the code to Marlin, and enter the maximum values for X, Y, and Z. I'm not comfortable with making any other changes. With painters tape, the printer prints several layers of the object before it becomes loose. The edges are warped. With the Kapton tape, it just doesn't stick.
I have a Printrbot Play for about a year but it is always a challenge to get a print. I've used Cura in the past with mixed success. I ended up the z offset with M212 but today I can't get any print to stick. Although I have Kapton tape on a heated bed, I have to place painters tape on top and then use a glue stick. I have visited simplify3d to get some tips but would like to learn from this group.
I have a Printrbot Play for about a year but it is always a challenge to get a print. I've used Cura in the past with mixed success. I ended up the z offset with M212 but today I can't get any print to stick. Although I have Kapton tape on a heated bed, I have to place painters tape on top and then use a glue stick. I have visited simplify3d to get some tips but would like to learn from this group.
Also distance for first level is a big point. I print first layer normally 0.3mm with 150-200% width.