x axis reversed motion without any apparent changes

Hi can anyone help?
I Have a Sunhokey 3d printer, it has been working for the last 3 years perfectly.
I redesigned the extruder carriage to give it more strength and stability in an attempt to improve surface finish. Apart from the extruder and the x axis limit switch (which I had to unbolt for ease of access) I didn’t touch the wires only to move some out the way. On reassembly the x axis move to the right when pressing left in the Manual screen and left when pressing right. When selecting “X home” the carriage moves in the opposite direction (away from the limit switch) counts 200mm and stops or crashes into the end. All other functions seem to work as before.

I changed the X axis direction in “printer settings” which did correct the motion direction but the “X home” function still ran away from the limit switch.

Anyone know how to solve my problem?


  • Did you unplug the X motor at an y time when you were doing your mods. Reversing the motor connection will reverse the rotation  direction
  • MartinH said:
    Did you unplug the X motor at an y time when you were doing your mods. Reversing the motor connection will reverse the rotation  direction
    No I didn't disconnect any wires, only unbolted the x end stop. Now when I switched back on I would have pressed the x home button and operated the end stop manually out of sequence as the carriage went the wrong way. Could this present a problem? 
  • Changing direction in host does not help. That is only for your thinking. You need to change direction in firmware or rotate motor plug 180°. We can not say what you did but apperently something is different now. So just take it a sit is and rotate the motor connector and you are done.
  • I'll try that, thankyou
  • Cut red and blue wires on the x axis stepper motor, swapped them over and the printer worked.
    What mystifiers me is that all the motor plugs on the board are keyed but I know I didn't disconnect any plugs or  wires. C'est la vie! 
    Well anyway thankyou for your input and time.

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