Noise between G1/G0-commands
I use Ramp1.4 with Repetier 0.92.9 for a x,y plotter.
The plotter ist hanging on a wall.
Speed is low 15mm/s and acceleration 10mm/s2.
I want that the plotter is slow and quiet.
The motor sound is good, but ..
There is a noise (like "tak"), if one G1 or G0 commands ends and the next one starts (SD-card).
There is no noise during the command itself.
The noise is not loud, but louder than the motors.
I do not remember this sound from my 3D-printer.
I changed speed, jerk and acceleration, but this does not influence the "tak" between the commands.
What can be the reason?
Does the motor stop shortly between the commands?
The plotter ist hanging on a wall.
Speed is low 15mm/s and acceleration 10mm/s2.
I want that the plotter is slow and quiet.
The motor sound is good, but ..
There is a noise (like "tak"), if one G1 or G0 commands ends and the next one starts (SD-card).
There is no noise during the command itself.
The noise is not loud, but louder than the motors.
I do not remember this sound from my 3D-printer.
I changed speed, jerk and acceleration, but this does not influence the "tak" between the commands.
What can be the reason?
Does the motor stop shortly between the commands?
The direction changes about 15 degrees. My impression is that the tak is always to hear independent on the length or direction of the next way.
Do you suggest a jerk more like 40?
The buffer is always close to 16 - is that a sign for no backlash?
Backlash is if your printer head has play so on direction changes it might need 0.1 move before it starts moving. Then belt has already bigger speed and you might here it starting.
Higher jerk reduces slowdown but can lead to lost steps if you exceed the forces of motors and printer get more jerky and shake more. Since you speed is 15 jerk 30 means no acceleration/deceleration at all. It will always start at full speed (15).
The noise is exactly the same, so it is not influenced by jerk.
I tested it only with only one motor - the noise is still there, no matter what motor is off
(with no motor no noise ! what a surprise?!)
The play of the axes is difficult to say - from my feeling not much...
One axe runs with a rack the other one runs with a belt.
do you have an idea what I can test?
It happens with both motors (I connectied only one motor)
I changed acceleration, speed, motordriver board - seems to be independent from the configuration.
Comes the noise from the first start step of the motor movement?
(motors are Nema 17 stepper motors 1.8°, typical 3D-printer motor, 1/16 micro stepping)
It is independent from the direction, eg G1 X10; G1 X20 (only X direction) makes the same "tack".
I played around with jerk 0 to 10 .. that makes no difference (atleast what I can hear).
I tested now with manual control, the "tack" appears on start and end of each single movement.
The motor is without power after the move ..
Probably I can not change the "tacks" - I used the same equipment originally for a delta printer. In that configuration I cannot remember that sound (but eventually I overheard it, because the noise was in general higher)
That was it - surprising that the power on/off makes noise ... I thought that I should switch off the motors to avoid heating, because the friction in my system will prevent to loose steps. But the motors are cold anyway...