Issue when trying to extrude.
Lately I have been encountering a strange issue that doesn't occur all the time but quite frequently. I am using Repetier Server 0.86.2 on my Windows 10 system. The issue occurs when I instruct my printers to extrude from the web control page usually using the 30 mm/s option. Rather then extruding its been instructing the printer to drop the Z axis instead. This has been happening on my printers with both Marlin and Smoothieware. I need to be careful because it has caused many nozzle crashes into the bed.
every time I press the extrude button.
It also seems to occur at the slower 3mm/s extrude rate as well if I have 100mm extrude selected.
If the printer isn't homed then the above commands will cause it to crash.
I recall last time I had the problem I used the disconnect and reconnect printer function right before I used the extrude.
Also another problem I am seeing is it's only extruding 50mm when I have 100mm extrude selected.