Layer shift after pause / continue
Hello. I'm experiencing problems after pausing and continuing my print jobs. The layers after the pause are not aligned with the ones before it.

Here are my gcodes for pause and continuation
G28 Z ; Homing
G28 X Y ;
G1 X5 Y5 F9000 ; Schlitten auf Startposition
G1 Z0 ; Düse an Bett heran
G28 X YM106 ;Lüfter an
I mainly use the pause to exchange the filament. The new homing before continuation is done to compensate a possible movement of the extruder while working on it.
What am i missing?

Here are my gcodes for pause and continuation
G28 Z ; Homing
G28 X Y ;
G1 X5 Y5 F9000 ; Schlitten auf Startposition
G1 Z0 ; Düse an Bett heran
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 Z+10 E-2 F9000 ;Z + 10mm und Retract
G92 E0 ; Extruder neue Nullposition
G90 ;absolute positioning
G28 X Y
I mainly use the pause to exchange the filament. The new homing before continuation is done to compensate a possible movement of the extruder while working on it.
What am i missing?
With homing after pause, which is normally good you have 2 requirements:
1) Homing must be repeatable and precise
2) No G92 with X or Y as homing removes these offsets.
2) I don't use G92 for X or Y
What I tried:
- I switched to Repetier Dev. Firmware
- Auto Bed Leveling is turned off now
This is my connection G-Code:
G90 ;
G28 Z ;
G28 X Y ;
G1 X150 Y150 ;
G1 Z200 ;
Start print job G-Code:
G28 Z ; Homing
G28 X Y ;
G1 X5 Y5 F9000 ; Schlitten auf Startposition
G1 Z0 ; Düse an Bett heran
Pause print:
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 Z+10 F9000 ;Z + 10mm
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 X150 Y0 F9000 ;Düse nach vorne
M84 ;Motoren aus
M107 ;Lüfter aus
Continue print:
G28 X Y;
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 Z-10 F9000 ;Z - 10mm
G90 ;absolute positioning
M106 ;Lüfter an
And this is the result after pause/continue via touchscreen:
Now the noozle is 10mm too high...
#define min_software_endstop_z true
#define Z_PROBE_PULLUP 1
#define Z_PROBE_ON_HIGH 0
So, you are right, I use the z-min-pin for probing. But I don't use the probe for homing.
What happens if you omit
G1 Z-10 F9000 ;Z - 10mm
host will go back to stored position anyway on continue.
In previous versions of Repetier Server the noozle went back to the stored position. We realized a lot of mutlicolor print jobs by using this feature.
G1 Z-10 was my attempt to fix the new situation. But this gcode line doesn't make any difference. Without it, I have the same 10mm z-offset as shown in the picture...
You could enable logging and afterwards check if it moved to right z position from server side. If it does something in firmware config like the z min endstop I thought it could be is preventing it. If code is wrong we have at least the resulting code causing the error and can dig deeper here.
It's the third time I'm trying to fix a wrong movement calculation in different Repetier FW and Server combinations, without bug reports from other people. Maybe there is a hardware defect on my Arduino board?
Could you run a test on the Due+RADDS platform?
If you have no min endstop defined like your config shows, the only reason to not move down is that it goes below z=0. That also is verified by going down initially to 0 being no problem. So one likely solution is that the stored z position at pause start is wrong for your code and correct for mine. But I do not see where it should go wrong, but log should show it.
If you do the log please mark where the pause is. No time to scan 30000 lines for a pause :-)
... Triggering Pause:
10:07:19.821: N1615 G1 X103.938 Y54.455 E2.58141
10:07:19.850: ok 1610
10:07:19.850: N1616 G1 X106.525 Y57.042 E2.67277
10:07:19.903: ok 1611
10:07:19.903: N1617 G1 X106.525 Y57.487 E2.68389
10:07:19.939: ok 1612
10:07:19.939: ok 1613
10:07:19.940: N1618 G1 X103.493 Y54.455 E2.79097
10:07:19.940: N1619 M532 X8.3988 L3
10:07:19.963: ok 1614
10:07:19.964: N1620 G1 X103.047 Y54.455 E2.80208
10:07:20.003: ok 1615
10:07:20.004: N1621 G1 X106.525 Y57.933 E2.92489
10:07:20.137: T:216.38 /200 B:62.83 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:20.156: ok 1616
10:07:20.156: N1622 G1 X106.525 Y58.378 E2.93600
10:07:20.202: ok 1617
10:07:20.202: N1623 G1 X102.602 Y54.455 E3.07453
10:07:20.255: ok 1618
10:07:20.256: N1624 G1 X102.157 Y54.455 E3.08565
10:07:20.600: ok 1619
10:07:20.600: ok 1620
10:07:20.600: N1625 G1 X106.525 Y58.823 E3.23990
10:07:20.600: N1626 M532 X8.5110 L3
10:07:20.940: ok 1621
10:07:20.940: N1627 G1 X106.525 Y59.268 E3.25101
10:07:21.189: T:215.65 /200 B:62.72 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:21.279: ok 1622
10:07:21.280: N1628 G91 ;relative positioning
10:07:21.280: N1629 G1 Z+10 F9000 ;Z + 10mm
10:07:21.280: N1630 G90 ;absolute positioning
10:07:21.619: ok 1623
10:07:21.619: N1631 G1 X150 Y0 F9000;Düse nach vorne
10:07:21.643: ok 1624
10:07:21.643: N1632 M84;Motoren aus
10:07:21.644: N1633 M107;Lüfter aus
10:07:22.012: ok 1625
10:07:22.242: T:215.07 /200 B:62.56 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:22.377: ok 1626
10:07:22.377: ok 1627
10:07:22.741: ok 1628
10:07:22.745: ok 1629
10:07:23.105: ok 1630
10:07:23.109: ok 1631
10:07:23.131: ok 1632
10:07:23.294: T:214.06 /200 B:62.56 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:24.347: T:213.33 /200 B:62.33 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:25.134: busy:processing
10:07:25.400: T:212.61 /200 B:62.17 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:26.452: T:211.88 /200 B:62.06 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:27.133: busy:processing
10:07:27.502: T:211.01 /200 B:61.96 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:28.099: T:210.72 /200 B:61.92 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:28.103: ok 1633
10:07:28.103: Fanspeed:0
10:07:28.554: T:210.14 /200 B:61.83 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:29.099: wait
... Continue
10:07:43.549: wait
10:07:44.332: T:203.05 /200 B:60.63 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:44.548: wait
10:07:45.380: T:202.71 /200 B:60.58 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:45.548: wait
10:07:45.952: N1636 G90
10:07:45.952: N1637 G28 X Y;
10:07:45.952: N1638 G90 ;absolute positioning
10:07:45.952: N1639 M106 ;Lüfter an
10:07:45.952: N1640 G90
10:07:45.952: N1641 G1 X106.525 Y59.268 F6000
10:07:45.952: N1642 G1 Z0.620 F120
10:07:45.952: N1643 G92 E3.2510
10:07:45.952: N1644 G1 F1800
10:07:45.953: N1645 G1 X101.712 Y54.455 E3.42098
10:07:45.958: ok 1636
10:07:45.958: ok 1637
10:07:45.958: N1646 G1 X101.266 Y54.455 E3.43210
10:07:46.433: T:202.37 /200 B:60.50 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:47.487: T:202.20 /200 B:60.38 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:47.960: busy:processing
10:07:48.539: T:201.86 /200 B:60.38 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:49.593: T:201.53 /200 B:60.29 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:49.959: busy:processing
10:07:50.644: T:201.36 /200 B:60.21 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:51.693: T:201.19 /200 B:60.17 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:51.958: busy:processing
10:07:52.745: T:200.85 /200 B:60.08 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:53.798: T:200.68 /200 B:60.04 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:53.958: busy:processing
10:07:54.850: T:200.51 /200 B:59.96 /55 B@:0 @:120
10:07:55.899: T:200.51 /200 B:59.92 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:55.960: busy:processing
10:07:56.952: T:200.51 /200 B:59.83 /55 B@:0 @:20
10:07:57.685: X:300.00 Y:300.00 Z:10.620 E:3.2464
10:07:57.689: ok 1638
10:07:57.689: ok 1639
10:07:57.689: Fanspeed:255
10:07:57.690: ok 1640
10:07:57.690: N1647 M117 ETA 10:16:54 day 2
10:07:57.693: ok 1641
10:07:57.693: ok 1642
10:07:57.693: ok 1643
10:07:57.693: ok 1644
10:07:57.693: ok 1645
10:07:57.693: ok 1646
10:07:57.694: N1648 G1 X106.525 Y59.714 E3.61779
10:07:57.694: N1649 G1 X106.525 Y60.159 E3.62891
10:07:57.694: N1650 G1 X100.821 Y54.455 E3.83033
10:07:57.694: N1651 M532 X8.6232 L3
10:07:57.694: N1652 G1 X100.376 Y54.455 E3.84145
10:07:57.697: ok 1647
0:07:45.952: N1639 M106 ;Lüfter an
10:07:45.952: N1640 G90
now comes server added code
10:07:45.952: N1641 G1 X106.525 Y59.268 F6000
10:07:45.952: N1642 G1 Z0.620 F120
10:07:45.952: N1643 G92 E3.2510
10:07:45.952: N1644 G1 F1800
continue print at z=0.620
10:07:45.953: N1645 G1 X101.712 Y54.455 E3.42098
As you see the commands say you paused at 0.62mm height which I hope was correct and is at least lower then the 10mm you say it continues.
First go directly over server to printer just to rule out anything between host/server. In console view in server you can also send commands manually. there try
To see what endstop and position server then thinks it has. You could also replay the sequence where the problem happens to see exactly at what command it starts to go wrong. Start with
G1 Z0.62
and then play pause and continue command by command and see at which point it stops doing the moves. From log I would say it is simply moving as I can see all the "ok" but from your comment it sounds like it stops moving completely.
It's the line "M84 ;Motoren aus".
After turning off the stepper motors, they won't get enabled by movement commands (axis only, extruder works normal).
I start with G28 and some G1 movements, relative and absolute. Everything works normal...
After M84 I can send G1 commands, Server answers with ok and updates the position, but the noozle doesn't move. I can bring the stepper back by G28 for each axis.
G28 X enables the x axis. After that it moves again, but only the axis I rehomed.
So, after "M84 and G28 X" I can move the noozle on X axis only. M84 + G28 X Y enables X and Y movements, but not Z. After M84 + G28 all axis move again. That happens for the axis stepper only. The extruder stepper gets unpowered by M84, but it comes back after sending a extrude command.
So, pause / continue works without M84, or I have to do a full G28 in the continue gcode at the moment.
M114 gave back the coordinates I tried to reach. It was updated correctly after G1 commands, but after M84 without the real movements.
Full G28 after pause: Homing Z needs a lot of time. The Z axis is really slow with just 2mm/sec to prevent the spindles from building up vibrations. After homing all axes the noozle is empty, so I need to add some gcode for noozle cleaning and a little bit extrusion...
Not using M84 is what I do now. It's okay, but changing filament takes a longer time and is very fiddy at the moment (my extruder has a rotary knob for manual extrusion)...
A command like "M84 E0" for shutting down the extruder motor would be great now... :-)