Problems to implement custom g-code for Extruder change and z-offset
Hi there,
I use the newest repetier firmware, the repetier host, slic3r in latest version an arduino mega with a ramps 1.4.
I´m new here and have a big problem with my new self built printer...maybe the reason is because I´m not a software engineer... :-) - mechanical side works perfect so far.
The general function is ok, axis move, bed leveling and stuff is working...but I have a problem to set up my two extruders. My general idea is to have two nozzels and two extruders. Extruder and Nozzle No1 is the main nozzle for example PLA material. The second nozzle with the second extruder is for support material. Easy so far....
I use a RC servo to lift and lower the second nozzle....the main idea is, to print with the nozzle 1 without a z-axis offset (Nozzle 1 is 0/0/0 if we take the nozzle for example as origin). As far as the nozzle 1 is printing, nozzle two should stay in lifted position (for example : M340 p0 S2000) with standby temperature of the hotend.
At this time the tool should change, I want to lift z-axis approx 5mm (maybe with an z-offset) and lower the second nozzle with the RC-servo to lower position. (The z offset is the same high as the servo lowers the nozzle no.2). Servo command is known, but how to tell the slicer or firmware what I want? (Offset of the second nozzle to the first nozzle is x0/ y23 and z5) The effect is, the standby nozzle is always 5mm above the current printing layer.
or maybe shorter:
if Tool one is aktive:
No offset - appart from the auto bed leveling
second nozzle should stay standby (lower temperature) and lifted by servo M340 p0 s2000
if tool changes to tool two:
set an tool offset of x0, y23, z5 (lift z axis 5mm upwards)
may some retract stuff
heat the second nozzle to operating temperature
lower the nozzle two by servo M340 p0 s500 (lowers the nozzle two 5mm)
set standby temperature to nozzle one
and reverse by tool change from T2 to T1....
My slicer is slic3r and it´s possible to implement a tool change custom g-code....but I have no idea how?...or is it better to add some code lines to repetier firmware? ...but same idea how... :-) ...I read a few discussions but can´t find a solution so far.
For further questions feel free to get back to me...
P.S.: Hopefully someone is now laughting about my problem - that means she or he can help me before I bite in my desk... :-)
Thanks in advance