How to Upgrade to 0.85 on RasperryPi?
I have an existing reptetier-server install on a raspberry pi and it's working but I'm not sure how to handle the upgrade to the latest v0.85?
Is it something you can do command line via ssh (if so how) or does it require installing the latest raspi image that has 0.85?
Is it something you can do command line via ssh (if so how) or does it require installing the latest raspi image that has 0.85?
Also, can't the MJPG streamer dependencies etc be pre-installed on the Pi SD image?
I was able to do a screenshot of each state and they are attached.
sudo dpkg -i filename
to update the version.
from linux command line. Then the installer does everything. Works as soon as you see the update notice.
Now the touchscreen is not working with server. It was showing black screen. so I turned it off by removing the power cable and reseated the touchscreen cable. Then plugged it back in. The touchscreen is showing command line input prompt now.
edit: I have an HDMI cable plugged in as well atm. The screen was displaying black before.
I executed "sudo apt-get install lightdm"
then in raspi-config, I boot option to mode 4, auto login to PI and start X windows. It is now working correctly.