automatic z height detection
i have just installed z probing to my printer and if i understand correctly the firmware needs a starting point to make the probing and starts from the height the bed is at that moment.
isnt it possible to set the printers x and y coordinate to the middle of the bed and make a first probe and calculate everything else from that first start probe? i think that is the way marlin does it
btw i use a cartesian printer wich need to be calibrated every time because i take the top part of my heatbed to remove the print.
Yeah ok I understand what you mean..... if you would have a retractable sensor with a servo you could have that problem. I have a inductive sensor so I wouldnt have that problem. Is it an option to add in the firmware maybe or is it too niche
I will try your solution opted and check if that works
Different question but in the line of the same as the above. Is it possible to make a grid scan? and use that as leveling compensation. I can see some movies about it on Delta printers wit Repetier but not Cartesian printers. Is it possible to make a height mapping?