Extruder not working after Cura upgrade

Ok so Ive been driving myself mad for the past few days trying to figure this out but I can't seem to get to the bottom of it.

I recently decided to update my Cura to 2.5 (Running Mac btw) as I wanted to be able to run my Ultimaker 2 and Delta machine both off the same Slicer.

My Delta is running Repetier - version 0.92 and the Ultimaker 2 is running its own firmware.

Prior to the update Both machines were working fine:

- Delta using Cura 15.1
- Ultimaker 2 using Cura 2.0.1

I am trying to add in a custom filament dump script to the beginning of each print. However when I slice a model with Cura 2.5 and send it to the Delta it will move fine but it will not start extruding.

I have connected my Delta to Repetier Host Mac 1.0.2 and tried to send various G-Codes to it to try and get the extruder to move with the help of some google research.

After many hours of trying various scripts I can get the extruder to move with the following command:

M302 S1
M83 ; Sets Extruder to relative mode
G28 ; home all
G1 X-104 Y-60 Z30 F6000 ; move to purge
G1 E15 F100 ; extrude 15mm
G1 E-2 F600 ; retracts 2mm
G92 E0 ; resets extruder

All movement to the dump area is fine and the extruder dumps filament however after this the print movement is very slow and erratic and 'just not right'. (A 3min 8x8x8 cube test print took 15mins to complete)

After looking at the Cura output G-Code file I see that the E values are absolute therefore I tried the following:

M302 S1
M83 ; Sets Extruder to relative mode
G28 ; home all
G1 X-104 Y-60 Z30 F6000 ; move to purge
G1 E15 F100 ; extrude 15mm
G1 E-2 F600 ; retracts 2mm
G92 E0 ; resets extruder
M82 ; Sets Extruder to Absolute mode

However when I do this the delta homes ok, moves to the purge zone but does not stop or extrude and moves straight to the beginning of the print. The print movement is fine, at the correct speed and as expected however the extruder no longer moves. 

If anyone can please explain where I am going wrong can you please help.

This is driving me mad as it was working fine! I don't want to have to go back to an older version of Cura just for one Machine.



  • Except that you do not heat extruder I see no problem with the start code. I assume you preheat manually to correct temperature for it to work?

    You can send the pure test code to see if it works without cura gcode afterwards. Then you know that code part is ok.
  • So I finally got it working, thanks to another forum user on a different forum.

    Turns out that my problem was that the M82 command was after the G92 E0. Once I swapped the both of them around it worked like a dream.

    Final code was as follows:

    M302 S1
    M83 ; Sets Extruder to relative mode
    G28 ; home all
    G1 X-104 Y-60 Z30 F6000 ; move to purge
    G1 E50 F225 ; extrude 50mm (<- Also changed this to make the purge longer)
    G1 E-2 F600 ; retracts 2mm
    M82 ; Sets Extruder to Absolute mode (<- Swapped this with the G92 E0 Below)
    G92 E0 ; resets extruder


  • Looking into firmware code I see no reason why order should matter here. But since it works, ok. 
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