"Freezing" at startup
in Linux
Has anyone else experienced an issue with it "freezing" at startup? The splash screen appears and does not go away, a window opens but it's blank (never painted even once, it just displays my desktop), and mono sits spinning at 100% CPU. That's why "freezing" in quotes, because it's still doing something... I just don't know what. Busy loop for something.
It didn't used to do this, used to work fine. This happens with the latest mono and repetierHost (4.8.0 and 1.6.2 respectively) but I also have an older build which I had had to hack together to make work from a couple years ago (mono 3.99 and repetierHost 1.0.6) which, again, used to work perfectly but now exhibits the same problem.
I've obviously updated something that has completely broken either repetier or mono, but I can't tell what. If the version of mono and repetier are the same, what else should I be investigating?
I'm running arch linux, 64bit, 4.10.9-1 kernel.
I am running:
Fedora25: kernel 4.10.15-200.fc25.x86_64
Mono: Stable
NVidia: binary driver 378.13 (patched for 4.10 kernels)
Mem: 16G (free 11G)
I can test the new release when it becomes available