Save to SD Card
I have an SD Card on my machine. It would be very useful if Repetier Server could save gcode files directly on the printer's SD Card. This way I could use the built in printer screen/menus to start print jobs. I'm also using Repetier firmware.
PS: i'd also love to see a notes field for each gcode file in Repetier Server, so I can attach some additional info to each file.
PS2: It would be really nice if i could setup a Samba share to "upload" to Repetier Server instead of having to go through the Webbrowser
Sorry for hijacking this thread :-)
I was thinking that there is no problems, but Windows 10 on laptop with server crashing just-in-time of print run.
Now I replaced it with Orange Pi Zero hanging on wires between router and printer. Still doesn't fully trust it.