LCD Display DGOM 128x64 Repetier 0.92


i have a problem with installing RepRap DOGM128 Grafik-Featurecontroller into Repetier 0.92 + ramps 1.4 + Mega 2560.

I bought it here:


 I found manual, but it works only for Repetier 0.91 (i found places where to change).  But for Repetier 0.92 i couldn't find. May be it's because of U8GLIB (0.91) vs U8GLIB_ex (0.92).

I put manual at attachment.

 Does somebody have any ideas, what i should change? I would appreciate any help.:)

Thank you.


  • I think you should use RepRapDiescount Graphic Display and adjust ui.h to use the right pin numbers if they differ. U8glib is already included in firmware, so do not add it somehow twice.
  • Hi, thank you for your answer. I saw i forgot to give a link to manual of this controller)) here: _ttp://

     I couldn't solve this problem. I've changed in config tool, but there is two options:
    -"Smartcontroller from RepRap discount on a RAMPS or RUMBA board"
    -"RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller 128*64"

    Whisch one did you mean?

    2) I couldn't find a right place in ui.h, if i choose one of these controllers. Could you check please and give me a link ? Because i should change all pin numbers.

    3) in manual for this controller is written, that i should use  "#define U8GLIB_ST7565", but in new firmware only
    #define U8GLIB_ST7920.  is it ok?

    Thank you.

  • Ok, with ST7565 none of them will work. The only display using that chipset would be the viki2. So I guess best is to make your manual config and just check in viki2 section of ui.h/DisplayList.h (in dev version) what pins to set. You should normally use the software spi version.
  • hi,
    thank you. i will try.
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