Repetier Host sends new commands mid-way through a print.
I am having a problem whilst print using Repetier Host. At a random point during the first 5 layers of a print, the log will show 3 messages. The first is 'cold extrusion prevented'. Then it shows 'enqueing "G1 X0 Y0 F9000", and lastly 'enqueing "M84 X Y Z E". This attempts to move the head and the bed to their home positions but goes straight back to printing after less than a second (the bed only drops 5-10ml) but in the wrong position so it prints off the bed and hits the side of the printer.
Another thing I noticed is that when the 'cold extrusion' message is shown, the temperature reading doesn't actually go below 195 (the temp I was printing at). It does the opposite and goes straight up to 210 degrees.
I am using a CoLiDo Compact printer. This is a pre-built printer and uses marlin firmware.
Do you know why the printer is sending these commands?