Trouble with firmware

Hi everyone, I am having trouble with my firmware talking to my 3d prusa printer.  I can flash the firmware to the printer just fine, but when I go to the manual control, the g-code is showing no start signal detected - forcing start and the command line is on a holding pattern.  I have attempted to fix by switching com ports, changing the baud rates, re-loading the software and firmware, and nothing I have tried seems to be working - anybody have any more suggestions?  I'm completely out of ideas.


  • What board do you have? Not all boards reset on connect. Some even need main power (12 or 24V) to work. In any case when connected with right port/baudrate and then pressing the reset button on board should show start etc. If not something is wrong with firmware you uploaded. Maybe configured for wrong serial (e.g. arduino due has 2 output ports) or uploading did not work also you said it did. Remember also that baud rate is from first upload as it is stored in eeprom. If your unsure what you used on first upload change EEPROM_MODE to different value and reupload, then new values are taken fromconfiguratin.h.
  • i don't understand the eeprom, I did read that in trying to figure out but I don't know how that works or how to change a value and what to change it to. Can you explain further?
  • If you are using arduino to flash the firmware, i suggest running the eeprom clear sketch 1st. located in file/examples/eeprom menu.

  • Thanks - I did try the eeprom clear sketch and then reloaded the marlin sketch, but am still getting the same message - any other ideas?

  • Just a suggestion _ try running eeprom_clear then load the sketch called blink to see if the board works with something. then clear it and reload your firmware. possibly the board is not working correctly. Did it work previously?I am assuming a Mega 2560 with RAMPS or equivalent?
  • Hi there, yes t is a mega 2560 with ramps 1.4. I did have it working for one or two runs and then it stopped and started giving me the command waiting. Not sure what changed in between.
  • It is possible that the communication between printer and host breaks somewhere. Normally a problem with bad power units so voltage drops. If you have a display on the printer you can in these cases even continue using the display, but communication does only work after unpowering+ unplugging printer from pc and reconnecting. Is that your error pattern?
  • Have tried power down and reconnect as well.  Still nothing
  • Okay, so what it seems to be doing is the ardruino is connecting with the firmware - when I run the blink - it reads it - and the firmware uploads just fine.  When I go to connect with the software - that's what is not connecting for some reason.  I downloaded the pronterface to see if that would work instead of the repetier and neither of them are connecting.  Is there something that maybe I am not checking off in the settings in order for it to connect?  PS - it looks like it tries to connect but just won't.
  • From your description your host has the wrong baud rate set. Remember that repetier stores baud rate in eeprom so settings from first upload are used even if you change it later in configuration.h. Try 115200 and 250000 baud. One of them is normally the correct one.
  • silly question but, have you set the correct port number in the host
  • Thanks but I have tried changing the baud rates many times and checked that I have the right port number.  Tried clearing the eeprom too.
  • If you compile with 115200 baud you can test with arduino serial monitor. SHould show some messages on connection. Try with EEPROM_MODE 0 so you know baud rate is correct.
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