E3D PT-100 on RADDS configuration
Hi all,
can anyone help me with the PT-100 from E3D on RADDS board?
I have the amplifier board connected to the AUX-analog input (analog PIN 5), selected PT-100 for E3D in the configurator (EXT0_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE 13) and set the Pin to 5 (EXT0_TEMPSENSOR_PIN 5).
Now when I power on the printer (everything at room temp), it shows a temperature of 300°C on the hotend, rapidly increasing to 600°C until the watchdog stops and it just shows "def".
Any suggestions?
Radds boards can only read 0-3.3 volt,so the ADC wil be scaled between 0 - 3,3 volt,
where the 8 bit controllers are scaling between 0-5 volt
Or you need to make your own Table from the datasheet from E3D. Note that 5 volt on a 3.3 board input wil shorten the life span of the input / controller
Or you need a other board that wil work with 3.3 volt. I was working on a way to make a MAX31865 (SPI pt100/pt1000 board) work with radds.. im still working but the board refuces to work with repetier because it uses a other SPI mode then what repetier uses.
currently im using semitec 104-GT2 sensors.
do you really use a RADDS and repetier firmware. i think your configs are for ramps with marlin.
Only issue I have is that temp readings are somewhat unstable in the last days - like jumping 1-2 °C. Usual it was the digit after the decimal jumping a bit. Any Ideas?