slicer G code always sets fan to 50% S127 no matter the fan setting
I also used to have a gradual fan speed increase which i no longer see.
I use repetier w/ the cura slicer engine for this. Looking at gcode I'm at 50% fan speed after layer 1 and then it turns off at completion. The slicer is just not going past 50% fan speed for some reason
According to my printer settings i see at .50mm i should be at full fan speed. Minimum speed shows 10mm/sec

M106 S127
G0 F9000 X109.002 Y148.375 Z0.580
And then in my filament setting I can further fine tune this based on layer time, etc. Mine fan speed is 50% and max is 100%. Min. layer time is 5 seconds

I just do not see any other fan speed settings that would cause this, anyone
have any idea where else I can look? I also looked in printer settings but found no mention of anything cooling related.
I use repetier w/ the cura slicer engine for this. Looking at gcode I'm at 50% fan speed after layer 1 and then it turns off at completion. The slicer is just not going past 50% fan speed for some reason
According to my printer settings i see at .50mm i should be at full fan speed. Minimum speed shows 10mm/sec
M106 S127
G0 F9000 X109.002 Y148.375 Z0.580
I just do not see any other fan speed settings that would cause this, anyone
have any idea where else I can look? I also looked in printer settings but found no mention of anything cooling related.
This is under CuraEngine settings | Extrusion
Under config | printer settings | extruder I see this but see no mentions of any layer height vs. fan speed.
Gcode Flavor does state repetier/marlin/sprinter.
Thanks much
"In slicer print settings->Extruder at top you say how to scale cooling up until height xy. Also for some firmwares 127 might be 100%. So check gcode flavour to be repetier/marlin/sprinter."
I do not see the settings you mention. Any chance you have a screenshot or a better description where I can find this?
Slicing Benchy w/ slic3r (Within host 2.2.4) I see the fan go to 234.6 at layer 5, at certain points of print it'll move to 255, 229, 214, etc. depending on time at layer. So that is working corrently
Slicing Benchy w/ Cura(Within host 2.2.4) I also see fan speed changes. which is odd. Layer 1 (S63), layer 2-199 (S127), layer 201 its full speed (S255).
I know it's not your slicer but any idea what setting could cause cura not to abide by fan settings on most of my prints? Clearly there is some value it is seeing to keep fan at $127. Bench is no taller than the other prints I was printing so it's not that it's just not high tall enough to get to S255 especially given it should be full speed at layer 5 according to my settings.
Is it possible i could link you to the STL that i noticed this on and you can see if it slices the same way for you with only one M106 command at layer 2 to S127 (Using Cura engine)? If you would do this the stl is here:
For benchy especially the small cylinder at top causes low layer times increasing fan.
Thanks for all the info,
Without raft it keeps fan off with your settings?