Installation Geeetech A20M


Novice en impression 3D (cadeau des petits-enfants) , j'ai du mal à paramétrer Repetier-Host avec mon A20M ...
Déjà, le manuel (v2.3) ne présente pas version du logiciel trouvé sur le site ... Alors comment trouver les fichiers pour A20M dont le fameux "Geeetech A20M PLA high.rcp" requis ?
Si quelqu'un pouvait me sortir de ce pétrin ... 



  • rcp files are just containing slicer settings for cura. We don’t have them, but you can simply use the default settings and make adjustments as you see fit. Most important setting is filament temperature, but that depends on filament so you need to read the filament docs what they want and test if it works or needs a few degrees more or less.

    Actually I would not use CuraEngine any more. Use PrusaSlicer - when you start it’s configuration you can add new printers with their wizard and maybe they already include a profile for your printer. Otherwise create a new and just answer questions like bed size and you have profiles to slice.
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