why does Repetier-Host / slic3r invent a new part of my object ?
I designed an object containing 2 wedding-rings. when I load it into repetierhost it looks like designed, after slicing there is on additional part in it. if I work with repetierHost V2.1.6 it invents a complete Part, if I work with Ver 2.2.4 it adds only in one layer a part which is not from.
I would like to add screen fotos but sorry I dont know how to add to this artivle.
Thanks for advice
You can upload images to https://imgur.com/ and post the link here.
Could you share your slicer settings with me?
It seems that there is a bug in Slic3r. Unfortunately, Slic3r seems discontinued, so I would recommend you to use PrusaSlicer instead. However, you can try to slice with layer height 0.2, there this error seems to not occur.