0.60.x(4) Installer
Hi gentleman.
I apologize for my not native English.
A) I could see that using autoupdate procedure wont work well (tested from .3 to .4) ) I had to d/l the file and use the exe file instead.
In any case if you press the autoupdate button abd set pause or (circling) run, for both the situations, the label is always : "procedure started" (should be stopped/paused and started)
the server installer won't detect correct path (the client installer is working great) if you have installed the server in a different path than the default. - In my case is
\Installation_repetierserver. but installer wont see it and try to set it up on c:\programs(x86) folder
..and (lol) on the 1.5.4 client there is still the old .3 server packed
have great days and thank you for great work.