Add default USB Webcam
Dear sirs
I wanted to install and buy Repetier Server mainly because the system can handle the webcam as it seems. Every application can use the default Logitech webcam but I can not find out how to use any USB Webcam on Repetier host. If only a IP camera can be used (espacially with manual configurable url) the Repetier Server Webcam feature is not useful. On the page its advertised like:
Monitor all your prints via webcam – no need to wait at your printer
anymore. Several webcams can be set up per printer simultaneously for
maximum control.
I have several webcams. None is detected in printer settings > webcam.
How to get webcam running?

you find docs how to solve this for different OS.
In Repetier-Host if you connect to server with preconfiured webcam you will also see the webcam there.