Multiples Printers in RPi

I am currently using Repetier Server with 4 Printers, with a single RaspberryPi3B
I have bought 2 more printers and I hope to buy another 2, it would be a total of 8 printers.
7 of them would use the same GCODES, so it would be great to use the same RaspberryPi for all of them, but I don't know if it will be enough computing power, could one Rpi be enough?
If it's not enough, I should put 2 RPi3B or a single RPi4, assuming I can use a USB Hub.
I await your advice. Thanks!


  • It is not a computing power problem. If you have no webcam and the pi it self stays stable that would be no problem. But pi is a bit sensitive to electric problems (power, emf,...) so adding more devices might create such problems. If that gets no problem power is ok. With webcams you just add more devices plus extra communication over usb bus. Also no problem until bandwidth gets exceeded if they all use mjpg compression and framerate/resolution is not too high.

    An alternative often used is to upload gcode to projects instead and start print from project as projects can be accessed accross server installations if they have been added in global settings->connectivity.
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