Davinci 1.0 Repetier .91 Repetier server settings.

I’ve got a DaVinci Xyz 1.0 running Repetier .91 Firmware. Everything else is stock. From what I understand this is the most up to date that I can run for the Davinci 1.0. Im using Repetier host or cura for slicing. And im communicating with the printer no problem via Repetier Server online. But I have a few settings I don’t know what to do with via the EEPROM that need changed, and when I select print it also tells me two things. First the  3 EEPROM settings are: Extr. 1. Temp. Stabilize time,    Extr. 1. Temp. for retraction when heating,    Extr. 1. Distance to retract when heating.   They are currently set at as follows: 537329665 s,  537329814  C,  53729664 mm. these setting make no sense and seem to be important but I dint know what to set them to.  Second when I select print this error message comes up and says: According to your defined printer limits, this print will not fit inside your printer. Print Anyways? It also has a box that defines Move X -20.00..124.27 and Move Y -30.00..83.58  I didn’t set these limits and would love to move them around but am not sure how. Thnx in advance.


  • The three eeprom values are typically set to 0.

    Most cartesians have coordinate system starting with 0,0 ine left front edge, so negative values are not possible.  The question is what are your printer limits and did you slice the object inside that area. Not seeing the message box which contains all infos I just guess that you placed it on negtive coodinates partly during slicing and that is why it complains. If that position is ok, you need to define bed and min/max coordinates in server to your allowed nagative coordinates.
  • Thank you very much i appreciate it. ill try and log in and apply these settings. I seem to not be able to access repetier server 1.21 now for some reason login credentials are wrong

  • whenever i change the eeprom settings they do not stay despite what i do?

  • Did you hit save button after changing them? You should then see some M206 commands in console if you have it open in parallel.
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