Large gcode not uploaded

Hello community,

We have large printers so need to upload large gcode files to them. It seems that Repetier-Server is unable to upload files above around 100MB. It says "Uploading ... 100%" then nothing happens.

Is there a setting available to break this limit ?
Raspberry Pi4B 4GB, Raspberry Pi OS 11.2, Repetier-Server 1.2.1.

Thanks for your help !


  • edited January 2022
    Wie groß ist die endgültige Datei? Vieles hängt von der Slicer-Software ab... Meiner Erfahrung nach wird empfohlen, beim Drucken eines 3D-Modells nicht mehr als 100-150 Tausend Polygone zu verwenden.
    ideaMaker hatte kein Problem mit großen Dateien...
  • Whatever the slicer we use it's the same issue : Superslicer, Aura or Kisslicer.
    Files can be quite large as the print volume is up to 615 × 355 × 500 so they can easily go up to 300MB.
    I am not sure this is a slicer issue. Once the 100MB limit is exceeded then Repetier-Server fails silently and there is nothing in the logfile.
  • There is no real limit except disk space. Is this on a pi or through a proxy? Then the proxy could have a max upload size that blocks it. In that case try to directly upload to the real server port, normally 3344.
  • On our pi image it is configured in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

            client_max_body_size 100000m;
    So limit would be 100GB. At least that is what we wanted.
  • This is exactly what came to my mind at 4am in my bed ;-)
    Yes we have a proxy nginx server which was the limiting device.

    Thank you for your help!
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