Can't Compile Touchscreen Frontend
I'm working through your page on customizing the server frontend. Right now I'm simply trying to change a few colors. I followed the instructions as best I could(They aren't very clearly written), but when I get to the step where I execute the command "gulp" on linux it tells me it can't find modules. Any ideas what I've done wrong?
But some packages contain C/C++ code and need to be compiled. So do you have the standard compiler for your OS installed. You would normally see an error running "yarn install" if compiling gulp-sass or one of the other sass components. If you check the package.json you see
so gulp-sass should be in the install list. You can also check if the folder node_modules/gulp-sass exists, but when a compilation fails it might still not work.
npmlog@6.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^12.13.0 | ^14.15.0 || >=16". Got "10.24.0"
would be the line I guess, please verify as it is line 8 for me. I also have in package.json the line:
which would install node-sass. So please run
yarn install
again after verifying it is in your package.json and watch out for errors. This might require compiling C/C++ files so could possibly fail if no compiler is installed. But messages would show so.
Also instead of posting images just copy/paste from the console - easier to read here and no need to make images:-) Also allows to copy more then one screen of data.
) or Compile everything (all-prod
) and app-devTHX. Its work