Extruder/Fan have to be set manually?
I just bought a Longer LK5 Pro right after Thanksgiving and I've been using Repetier Host mostly. The printer uses SD card out of the box and I was not able to use a PC connection until this weekend because of a power issue with USB 5v. I just decided to order a hardware blocker, which arrived this weekend.
So far I've been able to print successfully, in fact most of my prints have come out decent, not great, but very little failure since I started using a glue stick no the bed. But one thing that has consistently been a problem is that I have to manually set the heat on the extruder and manuallly set the fan rate.
I tried my first print tonight directly from Repetier-Host to the Printer without using the SD Card (now that I'm connected to the PC) and it sent the print over fine, but again the extruder wasn't heating up and the fan did not turn on, despite being set to 220 and 100 respectively in Repetier-Host's software.
What am I doing wrong?
Also see log window for messages - if firmware has problems it might disable heating as well and will report reason. Normally it is one of these.