Timelapse delay

Hello, I have been using Repetier for a while, but recently I have the Pro license.
I have tried to do a timelapse without success. I have RepetierServer running on a RaspberryPi3b + and I have an old cell phone that i don't use but it has a good camera, a RedmiNote7.
Install the DroidCam app on the cell phone and use an old laptop to receive the image and send it to RepetierServer with YawCam as this tutorial shows (I know, it's for windows but I tried and it worked)

I can see the image and everything works great, but I have a delay between the image that I see between YawCam and the one that I see in RepetierServer of 8 or 10sec.
I try to make a timelapse forcing a position for snapshot but because of this delay, I always snapshot in a different position, I tried to upload "Pause Duration for Snapshot" but it didn't solve it, I just made the printing take much longer.

I assumed that it could be lack of computing power of the RPi, use the option of "Alternative Server" installing the server in another PC (only the server, do not configure printers or anything, Load the API Key, IP, etc) but do not notice changes

Where do you think I could be wrong?

Everything is connected by WiFi, do you think it could help if you connected it by Ethernet?



  • First question is what resolution and frames per second do you have. High values cause lots of traffic and component can start back buffering image updates so that you get 8 seconds. I mean going over 2 extra states adds delays, but 8-10 seconds are a lot. As an measurepoint 1920x1080pixel 30FPS needs 30 megabyte per second. That is more that many pi wifi connection can handle, and here it needs to get in and you if you watch as well. Plus from mobile to pc. So wifi in total is very busy if we talk about lot of data. Use not more then 10FPS - more is overkill anyway.

    Also since 1.2.0 there are 2 delays for snapshot - 1 before asking for snapshot and one to delay continue so you get the image when head is paused. But if that time added gets long snapshots at fixed position becomes bad cause of nozzle oozing or melting print and you bette just make it independent of position - at least if bed is not moving in y axis. 
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