Accés a distance a repetier server

I can't see the access to my rasbperry pi 3 with repetier server installed on it.

In local 192.168.X.X I have access

From my internet box, I made a redirection with the port 6000(port for example) on my raspberry pi and I have no access when I am in 4G or at my family wifi.


  • Do you forward to port 80 of your pi? Do you see anything? 
  • Repetier said:
    Do you forward to port 80 of your pi? Do you see anything?

  • This setting isn't any configuration for forwarding. This will just set a new entry in the Networks list on the dashboard.

    You need define port 80 or 3344 in your redirection in your router to access the webinterface.
  • This setting isn't any configuration for forwarding. This will just set a new entry in the Networks list on the dashboard.

    You need define port 80 or 3344 in your redirection in your router to access the webinterface.
    I'm with FREE and I can't access port 3344, I have to use ports above 40160.
    So how do I change the port?
  • > I'm with FREE
    What do you mean? Is that a provider or restriction? On which side is the limitation?
    In router you have the port on which a service is offered to the internet and which you have to use to reach it from outside along with your global ip. The other one is 80 or 3344 where the router maps the outside port to. These do not need to be identical and no router has a restriction on that port number.
  • Repetier said:
    > I'm with FREE
    What do you mean? Is that a provider or restriction? On which side is the limitation?
    In router you have the port on which a service is offered to the internet and which you have to use to reach it from outside along with your global ip. The other one is 80 or 3344 where the router maps the outside port to. These do not need to be identical and no router has a restriction on that port number.
    My internet provider is FREE
  • Repetier said:
    > I'm with FREE
    What do you mean? Is that a provider or restriction? On which side is the limitation?
    In router you have the port on which a service is offered to the internet and which you have to use to reach it from outside along with your global ip. The other one is 80 or 3344 where the router maps the outside port to. These do not need to be identical and no router has a restriction on that port number.
    Une idée ?

  • I feel the details you have provided are not clear with what you have done or how you are accessing it.

    1. What is the IP address of the computer running Reperier Server? Is it 192.1680.0.3
    2. Can you access this IPAdress from another computer on the local network, and does it work?
    3. What firewalls are on the Repetier Server computer?
    4. What type of internet do you have from FREE, is it CG-NAT?
    5. What model model do you have?
    6. On the modem, what have you made the external port and have you redirected this to the 3344 on the Repetier Server?
    7. What IP address are you accessing remotely, it is not your local ip.. on the house network punch into google: what is my ip
    8. What happens when you connect to this ipaddress:port?

    I simply installed the free dataplicity app on my RPi and then use the URL (turn on the Wormhole as they call it$ it makes for me to access remotely. Works flawlessly and you can skip everything above.
  • Your images misses the field description. I have no idea for what you all entered 3344. As I said for the external port that you see on internet you can choose what you want also 50000 if that is required. Only in the intranet side you need the port of the server. And I guess the first where you showed the error message is the external port number.
  • edited August 2021
    twobit a dit :
    Je pense que les détails que vous avez fournis ne sont pas clairs avec ce que vous avez fait ou comment vous y accédez.

    1. Quelle est l'adresse IP de l'ordinateur exécutant Reperier Server ? Est-ce 192.1680.0.3
    2. Pouvez-vous accéder à cette adresse IP à partir d'un autre ordinateur sur le réseau local, et est-ce que cela fonctionne ?
    3. Quels pare-feux se trouvent sur l'ordinateur Repetier Server ?
    4. Quel type d'Internet avez-vous de FREE, est-ce CG-NAT ?
    5. Quel modèle de modèle avez-vous ?
    6. Sur le modem, qu'avez-vous fait du port externe et avez-vous redirigé celui-ci vers le 3344 sur le serveur Repetier ?
    7. Quelle adresse IP Accédez - vous à distance, il est pas votre IP locale .. sur la maison poinçon réseau dans google: quel est mon ip
    8. Qu'est - ce qui se passe lorsque vous vous connectez à ce ipaddress: port?

    J'ai simplement installé l'application dataplicity gratuite sur mon RPi, puis j'utilise l'URL (activez le Wormhole comme ils l'appellent $ cela me permet d'accéder à distance. Fonctionne parfaitement et vous pouvez ignorer tout ce qui précède.

    Mon IP locale est

    J'ai donc un accès local à

    Mon IP publique : 88.16X.XXX.XXX:3344

    Pour des raisons de sécurité, j'ai mis X à la place des chiffres.

    Cela me donne ce résultat sur Google voir l'image ci-dessous

    Mon fournisseur internet en France est GRATUIT :

    Mon fournisseur internet bloque tous les ports avant 49150.

    Il est donc impossible d'ouvrir le port 3344.

    Je dois donc changer le port 3344 en 49150 pour avoir un accès à distance.

    Je suis informaticien donc je connais l'informatique, je ne suis pas novice.

  • Repetier said:
    Your images misses the field description. I have no idea for what you all entered 3344. As I said for the external port that you see on internet you can choose what you want also 50000 if that is required. Only in the intranet side you need the port of the server. And I guess the first where you showed the error message is the external port number.

    Je voudrais juste avoir accès a distance a repetier server (donc quand je suis pas chez moi) 

    si demain je vais au Etat unis je voudrais pouvoir lancer une impression sur mon imprimante  grace a repetier server

    donc je doit dire a repetier server que a la place de 3344 sa devient 49150

  • Please change in the file /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml the port to the port your needs
  • Nickel sa marche

    Mais comment faire pour avoir le https ?
    Puis sur l’application sa marche pas comment faire
    D’ailleurs quel est la vrai application ?
  • null

    J’ai plus d’accès avec l’adresse ip local normal ?
  • You have no https only http access. For https you need to forward to port 443 which is the nginx proxy providing a self signed certificate (which browsers show as untrusted for that reason).

    What do you mean with last question? With forwarding you get same functions as with direct access from intranet. Server does not even know it is remote access.
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