Temperature is reported improperly - Prusa i3 MK3S

Since last Prusa firmware update (3.10.0), temperature is not reported properly in Repetier Server.

Temp remains stuck to 0 after printer reboot, even though the components are warm.

Commands are still sent properly though when setting the temperature.

This issue isn't preventing me from using the printer and sending gcode.


  • Try sending
    M155 S1

    I read in release notes that it now supports autoreport temperature. That command should get it started. Will test asap on my prusa when I update.
  • Yup, that worked
  • I have tested it with update to latest 3.10 and it also worked directly. On connect server sends M115 sees that autoreport. If you go to console and send M115 manually while commands are activated so you see it, you should get:

    Send: 9:24:32.503: N14 M115
    Recv: 9:24:32.526: FIRMWARE_NAME:Prusa-Firmware 3.10.0 based on Marlin FIRMWARE_URL:https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Prusa i3 MK3S EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Recv: 9:24:32.527: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
    Recv: 9:24:32.530: Cap:AUTOREPORT_FANS:1
    Recv: 9:24:32.530: Cap:AUTOREPORT_POSITION:1
    Recv: 9:24:32.534: Cap:EXTENDED_M20:1
    Send: 9:24:32.534: N15 M155 S1

    Same happens for me on connect. So maybe just com error? Or do you not see the M155 S1 after M115?
  • I had/have the same problem. After sending M115, the temperature is reported again. The output of the command:

    Recv:15:40:01.330: FIRMWARE_NAME:Prusa-Firmware 3.10.0 based on Marlin FIRMWARE_URL:https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Prusa i3 MK3S EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Recv:15:40:01.334: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
    Recv:15:40:01.334: Cap:AUTOREPORT_FANS:1
    Recv:15:40:01.338: Cap:AUTOREPORT_POSITION:1
    Recv:15:40:01.338: Cap:EXTENDED_M20:1

  • Is this on 1.1.0 or older version? 

    Anyway you can add to printer config->G-Codes->Event Dependent->Run on Connect the line
    M155 S1
    to force sending it. Since server does not send M105 it has seen the autoreport and planned to send M155 S1 but can't say from this where it lost the command. Maybe when I get a complete connection log including "ok" responses etc. But the extra send should normally fix it anyway.
  • i am using 1.1.0., and it happened again, the temperature report in the web interface was stuck at the starting temperature of the print. Sending M115 "repaired" it, the temperature is now reported again. I think it happens, when the printer was inactive a longer time.
  • So it worked and you did not reconnect and it stopped working? I mean we do this once on connection start and assume after M155 S1 that firmware will continue to send temperatures for ever (or until we send M155 S0 which we never do). So if prusa would decide to stop sending temperatures while connected that would be a problem. But haven't registered this on my mk3 so far.
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