Rotation of touch display not possible


  • Did you remove the comment # sign for the options you tried? Make sure to only uncomment one option for rotation to get no double rotation.
  • edited June 2021
    Yes, I did. I tried all four options. Thi is how it looks like:

    # Flips the display using the LCD's inbuilt flip functionality. Rotation: 0 = normal, 1 = 90°, 2 = 180°, 3 = 270°
    # lcd_rotate=0
    # Rotate in gpu instead. 90 and 270° require extra memory!
    # For legacy drivers, same as display_hdmi_rotate
    # display_lcd_rotate=0
    # Deprecated, for backward compatibility
    # display_rotate=0
  • Well, I did it via SD card and it worked....
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