stop the printing

edited May 2021 in Bug Reports
Hi! I has the error in logs and stop the printing. See the log. Motherboard is skr 1.3 with mariln firmware.
Recv:16:54:42.232:  T:210.62 /210.00 B:70.00 /70.00 @:0 B@:28
Recv:16:54:43.232:  T:210.21 /210.00 B:70.28 /70.00 @:73 B@:4
Mesg:16:54:46.220: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
Mesg:16:54:46.220: Connection status: Buffered:102, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
Mesg:16:54:46.220: Buffer used:102 Enforced free byte:31 lines stored:3
Send:16:54:46.221: N824 G0 F3600 X256.032 Y2.5
Send:16:54:46.221: N825 G1 F1800 X256.032 Y81.654 E1695.26086
Mesg:16:54:50.221: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
Mesg:16:54:50.222: Connection status: Buffered:77, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
Mesg:16:54:50.222: Buffer used:77 Enforced free byte:35 lines stored:2
Send:16:54:50.222: N826 G0 F3600 X256.667 Y82.677
Send:16:54:50.223: N827 G1 F1800 X297.5 Y82.677 E1698.17613
Send:16:54:51.017: M117 ETE 42:54:41
Mesg:16:54:55.023: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
Mesg:16:54:55.023: Connection status: Buffered:96, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
Mesg:16:54:55.024: Buffer used:96 Enforced free byte:31 lines stored:3
Mesg:16:54:55.024: Warning: Too many timeouts without response - disabling timeout message!
Mesg:16:54:55.024: Advice: If communication does not recover try adding usb reconnect on timeout in printer settings!
Mesg:16:54:55.024: This helps in case it is the serial driver that hangs.


  • Communication looks very good until firmware stops sending responses like "ok" causing the timeouts. Is the a stock printer or own build so you can change firmware? It is not clear if marlin stops sending or if it is a serial driver problem. But that pattern seems to happen with some marlin configs, so you might want to try 2.0.8 instead. If you have a lcd connected via serial you might configure marlin to not have a second serial for it for testing. In the errenous verison I think it is a problem having several serials at once. Hence the update. I know that they at least changed some stuff in serial handling lately.
  • Repetier said:
    Communication looks very good until firmware stops sending responses like "ok" causing the timeouts. Is the a stock printer or own build so you can change firmware? It is not clear if marlin stops sending or if it is a serial driver problem. But that pattern seems to happen with some marlin configs, so you might want to try 2.0.8 instead. If you have a lcd connected via serial you might configure marlin to not have a second serial for it for testing. In the errenous verison I think it is a problem having several serials at once. Hence the update. I know that they at least changed some stuff in serial handling lately.

    Ok. Today i use marlin 2.0.8. Will test it. Thx!
  • user said:

    Ok. Today i use marlin 2.0.8. Will test it. Thx!

    The new marlin 2.0.8 not helped to me. I will test it from sd card.
  • edited May 2021
    user said:
    user said:
    Repetier said:
    Communication looks very good until firmware stops sending responses like "ok" causing the timeouts. Is the a stock printer or own build so you can change firmware? It is not clear if marlin stops sending or if it is a serial driver problem. But that pattern seems to happen with some marlin configs, so you might want to try 2.0.8 instead. If you have a lcd connected via serial you might configure marlin to not have a second serial for it for testing. In the errenous verison I think it is a problem having several serials at once. Hence the update. I know that they at least changed some stuff in serial handling lately.

    Ok. Today i use marlin 2.0.8. Will test it. Thx!

    The new marlin 2.0.8 not helped to me. I will test it from sd card.

    Print from sd card not work also. The error on display was if i printing from repetier also.

  • I use skr 1.3 motherboard
  • edited May 2021
    The marlin of config files.

  • edited May 2021
    Hm. I can see that i have:
    #define SERIAL_PORT 0
    #define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1
    But in github i can see for skr 1.3 needed:
    #define SERIAL_PORT -1
    #define SERIAL_PORT_2 0
    Can It make the error?
  • user said:
    Hm. I can see that i have:
    #define SERIAL_PORT 0
    #define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1
    But in github i can see for skr 1.3 needed:
    #define SERIAL_PORT -1
    #define SERIAL_PORT_2 0
    Can It make the error?

    It not helped for me.
  • edited May 2021
    I comment the display and secondary port it not work. I disconnect the display - it not work.
    The error occurred earlier than before.
    Mesg:11:59:00.901: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:11:59:00.901: Connection status: Buffered:94, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:11:59:00.902: Buffer used:94 Enforced free byte:43 lines stored:3
    Mesg:11:59:04.912: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:11:59:04.912: Connection status: Buffered:94, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:11:59:04.912: Buffer used:94 Enforced free byte:41 lines stored:3
    Mesg:11:59:08.916: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:11:59:08.916: Connection status: Buffered:72, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:11:59:08.916: Buffer used:72 Enforced free byte:43 lines stored:2
    Mesg:11:59:08.916: Warning: Too many timeouts without response - disabling timeout message!
    Mesg:11:59:08.916: Advice: If communication does not recover try adding usb reconnect on timeout in printer settings!
    Mesg:11:59:08.917: This helps in case it is the serial driver that hangs.
    Mesg:11:59:29.465: Connection closed by os during print ... trying reconnect for 10 seconds to continue ...

  • Now i print an simple test box it printing ok. Can the problem in the model? - stl file. Work volume the printer - 300x300x490 mm.

  • edited May 2021
    Now i add test boxes on the edges of the working are and the print was stopped. What is it?

  • I think that the error from marlin
    But in 2.0.x branche it not fix.

  • The image from display shows a serious error with temperature handling. Can't say how marlin handles this e.g. go into some halt mode and do nothing. In that case communication would also look like that until reset of printer.

    Sending multiple commands to marlin works also the thread says at one point it does not. You just should not exceed the input buffer size. Alternatively enable ping-pong mode and only 1 command will be send at a time with the price of slower communication (also normally still enough).

    It should not depend on the model, but if it is the error state shown on display that can be the reason and if something in the gcode causes it (here temperature too high) it might explain it.

    That character display does not use serial2 at all so it is not needed. Thought you were using the TFT display that often comes with that board. Still having only one serial is good especially since you are not using the other one.
  • Repetier said:
    The image from display shows a serious error with temperature handling. Can't say how marlin handles this e.g. go into some halt mode and do nothing. In that case communication would also look like that until reset of printer.

    Sending multiple commands to marlin works also the thread says at one point it does not. You just should not exceed the input buffer size. Alternatively enable ping-pong mode and only 1 command will be send at a time with the price of slower communication (also normally still enough).

    It should not depend on the model, but if it is the error state shown on display that can be the reason and if something in the gcode causes it (here temperature too high) it might explain it.

    That character display does not use serial2 at all so it is not needed. Thought you were using the TFT display that often comes with that board. Still having only one serial is good especially since you are not using the other one.

    But now i comment it.
    Where can i enable ping-pong mode?

  • user said:
    Repetier said:
    The image from display shows a serious error with temperature handling. Can't say how marlin handles this e.g. go into some halt mode and do nothing. In that case communication would also look like that until reset of printer.

    Sending multiple commands to marlin works also the thread says at one point it does not. You just should not exceed the input buffer size. Alternatively enable ping-pong mode and only 1 command will be send at a time with the price of slower communication (also normally still enough).

    It should not depend on the model, but if it is the error state shown on display that can be the reason and if something in the gcode causes it (here temperature too high) it might explain it.

    That character display does not use serial2 at all so it is not needed. Thought you were using the TFT display that often comes with that board. Still having only one serial is good especially since you are not using the other one.

    But now i comment it.
    Where can i enable ping-pong mode?

    I set ping-pong mode. It not work:
    Send:16:39:16.012: N80 G1 X298.747 Y1.528 E9.78356
    Recv:16:39:16.026: ok
    Send:16:39:16.026: N81 G1 X298.884 Y1.819 E9.80653
    Recv:16:39:16.045: ok
    Send:16:39:16.046: N82 G1 X298.956 Y2.492 E9.85485
    Recv:16:39:18.048: echo:busy: processing
    Mesg:16:39:22.049: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:16:39:22.049: Connection status: Buffered:35, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:16:39:22.049: Buffer used:35 Enforced free byte:0 lines stored:1
    Send:16:39:22.050: M117 Layer 1/49
    Mesg:16:39:26.051: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:16:39:26.051: Connection status: Buffered:16, Manual Commands: 0, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:16:39:26.051: Buffer used:16 Enforced free byte:0 lines stored:1
    Send:16:39:26.051: N83 G1 X298.957 Y26.492 E11.56833
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: Connection status: Buffered:37, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 5000
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: Buffer used:37 Enforced free byte:0 lines stored:1
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: Warning: Too many timeouts without response - disabling timeout message!
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: Advice: If communication does not recover try adding usb reconnect on timeout in printer settings!
    Mesg:16:39:30.061: This helps in case it is the serial driver that hangs.
    Send:16:39:30.061: M117 ETA 18:19:18 day 4
    Send:16:39:34.069: N84 G1 X298.948 Y27.219 E11.62024
    Send:16:39:38.074: N85 G1 X298.904 Y27.538 E11.64323
    Send:16:39:42.079: M117 ETE 01:39:49
    Send:16:39:46.086: N86 G1 X298.783 Y27.836 E11.66619

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