“Oops! I have lost my connection. Trying to reconnect now.”

I’m having an issue where the pi/server is having trouble reconnecting to the server, which means I cannot connect and PC or lap


  • I’m having an issue where the pi/server is having trouble reconnecting to the server, which means I cannot connect any PC or laptop through IP address or even through the installed monitor. The weird thing is the the printers continue to run without stopping or any lag.

    I’m not very good at diagnosing servers and such...

    We are running 4 printers off of one rpi 3b+

    I didn’t find any other postings for this exact issue. Please help

  • The problem is that the pi is not reachable from your browser. The pi is still connected with printer and that is also why it continues to print.

    Typical reason is that the pi looses network connection and once that is back the message disappears and you can continue.

    Best solution is always use ethernet. When it happens with wifi login via ssh when you have connection and check with 
    your signal strength and reachable bandwidth. If it is low it is normally just a bad signal.
    Also some routers have problems sometimes with linux.
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