PSU Powered RasPi Repetier Server shut down via Alexa smart switch.

I have hard wired my Rasberry Pi 3b+ using a buck converter connected to my PRUSA PSU. I was wondering if there is  if its possible for say......
1/ Shut down Repetier-Server via Pi Display or Web Interface.
2/ wait for hotend cool down.
3/ wait for a signal from the Pi to the Alexa smart switch.
4/ then smart switch turns plugs turns off plug to PRUSA PSU?

Writing this when I think of it would be difficult as the Raspberry Pi would have already shut down and there's no way to tell Alexa to shut down power to PRUSA? I guess it would have to be done on a timeout basis. i.E. Turn the power off 5 minutes after Repetier Server has powered down.



  • 1) In our image that is the shutdown button. It will shut down pi so you can unpower safely.
    2) Maybe 

    @waitForAllTemperatures maxDiff

    Will wait for all set temperatures to be within the given difference. If maxDiff is omitted, the last or default value gets used. This will only prevent the running job from being executed while manual commands can still be send!

    but problem is off is 0 which you will not reach so make maxDiff something like 40. Only useful in a automatic shutdown script.

    3+4) Thats the problem. You can use then alexa to switch down main power but since pi is not running it can not do that. In other cases you would need some electronic with delay time to switch of main psu.

    An alternative would be if there is some other always on device you can program. Then in shutdown script you could call that computer to disable switch with a delay.

  • edited March 2021
    Repetier said:
    1) In our image that is the shutdown button. It will shut down pi so you can unpower safely.
    2) Maybe 

    @waitForAllTemperatures maxDiff

    Will wait for all set temperatures to be within the given difference. If maxDiff is omitted, the last or default value gets used. This will only prevent the running job from being executed while manual commands can still be send!

    but problem is off is 0 which you will not reach so make maxDiff something like 40. Only useful in a automatic shutdown script.

    3+4) Thats the problem. You can use then alexa to switch down main power but since pi is not running it can not do that. In other cases you would need some electronic with delay time to switch of main psu.

    An alternative would be if there is some other always on device you can program. Then in shutdown script you could call that computer to disable switch with a delay.

    Thanks. This sort of stuff is way over my head, what put me onto this is this guy. He commented on a Facebook post I put up regarding my Buck Converter setup. Looks pretty cool if it can be done in Repetier Server....
  • Same solution can be used with repetier I think. After all he does exactly what I said. He reprogramms the switch chip to have that timer to do a delayed shutdown. Only thing is he uses on the plug side a code to check for octoprint that would be needed to be changed for server. Not sure why so complicated. He could just check if a ip is present. On the other side if wifi gets problems it would constantly disable the plug even if it was not the plan. But I get some ideas how it could be solved - when I get some time. It surely is not easy and needs hacking skills to upload the firmware to the chip of the plug.
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