the plater on the slic3r of the repetier-host for multiple extruders to print the color I want does not work, just print 1 color, I have 3 extruders, how to solve?
Did you assign the objects to different extruders? Extruder 1 is the default if you do not change it. Is the slic3r config configured for multiple extruders?
yes, when i'm going to print a piece with several colors (several pieces that make up 1 piece) and I place each piece with a color, and I send slices in slic3r the colors are distributed in the pieces as I chose, after slicing I send save to SDCARD but only print 1 color, in the plater only one color appears in all filaments, when I try to change in the PLATER it only accepts one color, I followed all the steps in the repetier-host manual, but always prints with one color and does not mix colors
>when I try to change in the PLATER it only accepts one color Do you have configured host to have 3 extruders and assigned them different colors for preview? If there is only one extruder for selection in the dropdown menu you haven't done it and all have assigned the same extruder 1.
That image is from slic3r not from repetier-Host where we are talking about. I talk about the plater on repetier-host which you use to slice. Settings in slic3r are overridden by your selection in host.
Yes, that is what I mean. What I see is that you did not group the elements. That makes positioning hard I guess. Normally you drag on the right side one file on the group of the first one. This makes them use the same transformation. In the end all files should be below one blue group. But that is only for positioning.
BTW: You should better use PrusaSlicer - it is the faster and actively developed version of slic3r. But works the same and can also read the slic3r configs.
BTW: You should better use PrusaSlicer - it is the faster and actively developed version of slic3r. But works the same and can also read the slic3r configs.
Já usei o PrusaSlicer mas não funciona bem na minha maquina, que é uma clone chinesa, a motherboard é uma SKR GTR V1.0 e quando usei o PrusaSlicer o eixo Z não funciona bem, um lado sobe mais que o outro, por isso que tenho usar o Repetier-host. no Cura e no Repetier-host não tenho problemas no eixo Z.
When you only have one extruder in slicer pannel you have not defined them in host setup in Extruder tab and the get mapped to 1 which is your problem then I guess.
It is not possible to control only one z axis - if that happens you have a problem like moving z too fast and one axis is loosing steps. Make sure PrusaSlicer does not overwrite accelerations and motor currents (it has a checkbox for that in printer settings I think). And make sure z max speed is set correctly so no lost steps happen on your printer.
Ok, for mixing extruders you only have one setting in slicer tab, that is correct. Just tested it again with that checked and it still assigned it correctly. I wonder if it has to do with recent changes for 2.2 that it works for me. But it used to work also in the past, and now I have seen all host settings which look correct.
Don't think so. Firmware in slicer just changes some command formats but not the ability to change extruders and marlin also supports virtual extruders.
Do you have configured host to have 3 extruders and assigned them different colors for preview? If there is only one extruder for selection in the dropdown menu you haven't done it and all have assigned the same extruder 1.
In object placement it then looks like this:
Then with these settings:
I get this preview in host:
no Cura e no Repetier-host não tenho problemas no eixo Z.
It is not possible to control only one z axis - if that happens you have a problem like moving z too fast and one axis is loosing steps. Make sure PrusaSlicer does not overwrite accelerations and motor currents (it has a checkbox for that in printer settings I think). And make sure z max speed is set correctly so no lost steps happen on your printer.