Lcd touchscreen

Im wondering if i can setup touchscreen like the pi setup?

Right now i have a machine running debian with repetier server installed. Its great. But having touchscreen would be better.

Any input is appreciated


  • Pi setup is just starting chromium in kiosk mode full screen and having mouse pointer hidden. Start command is

    chromium-browser --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disable-features=TranslateUI --app-auto-launched --disable-pinch --incognito --noerrdialogs --disable-suggestions-service --disable-translate --disable-save-password-bubble --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars --touch-events=disabled --disable-gesture-typing --kiosk --check-for-update-interval=31536000 --app= &

    touch screen under linux just emulate mouse without right click.
  • cool.. Im running debian server no desktop 

    I imagine i could put that in some kind of startup script or something and im guessing as long as the touchscreens usb connection is in, that the mouse will work

    if you have any more detailed instructions, that would be great.

    In the meantime, Ill ding around with that command.
  • I got it all going good on ubuntu machine. Thank you!  Only the resolution of touchscreen needs a small size tweak.  

    Is there a file similar to pi installation (boot/config.txt) under Ubuntu installation that I can edit?  I find that 800x500 is best for my screen.
  • 800x480 is a typical resolution but gui adjusts to resolution and switches widths, sizes etc at several resolutions. These are optimized to normal pi screen 3-7". On bigger screens you get more free space but should work. In our docs section we also describe how you can compile own css but that is more for web designer and users with experience here.
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